Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We have been very blessed again this year so once more I have many things to be thankful for. I will try to make this as short as possible but please know that each day we wake up on the right side of the grass is something to make us pause and give thanks!

First of all I am very thankful that Trav made it thru his surgery great and that the tumors were only necrosis.
I am thankful that our son graduated from high school above average and was accepted to Oklahoma State University.
I am thankful that our daughter made it thru elementary school and is well into her middle school career, and enjoying it.
I am thankful for the great friends that I have! (CooCoo and the Cooch, this is my shout out to you) If not for them there would have been many dark days!!
I am thankful for the many brave men and women that fight for our freedom. They are the ones who make this country great.
I am thankful for the hero’s that have made an impact on our lives and saddened that they were taken from us so soon, but happy and thankful that they are no longer in pain and are walking on streets of gold.

I am thankful that we got to be a part of Jim and Lori’s life. Jim is still an inspiration to me to wake up each day and choose happy, thank you Jim!

I am thankful that we got to share in the life of Geneva, aka Gracie Lou Freebush. She renewed our love of reading and taught us to live each day as if it were our last. To not ever be ashamed of loving God and to make every decision with Him in mind. Much love G.

In short I am thankful for everything. I mean really, I have everything I have ever wanted. I have a Husband that loves me and our kids. I have 2 kids that love us and each other. I have a job working at a school with great kids. And I have more friends than a girl could ask for, and they are the best there is!!!

So for this year, even more so that last, my cup runneth over and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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